Beth McLaughlin, MSE, LCAT, MT-BC
In this podcast, the author has composed a letter to prospective interns sharing her thoughts about what she’s learned from the young children with ASD with whom she has worked over the past 39 years.
Audio Player
- Ackerman, D. (1999). Deep play. New York, NY: Random House.
- Kern & Humpal (2012). Early childhood music therapy and autism spectrum disorders: Developing potential in young children and their families. London and Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Kranowitz, C. S. (2005). The out-of-sync child. New York, NY: Skylight Press.
- Schwartz, E. (2008). Music, therapy, and early childhood: A developmental approach. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers.
About the Author:
Beth McLaughlin is a board certified music therapist and children’s song writer who has been providing music therapy services to children of all ages at Wildwood School in Schenectady for 35 years. During this time she has trained 14 music therapy interns from around the country. As of summer 2016, she is semi-retired and continues offering music therapy groups to young children and their families. Contact:
Suggested Citation:
McLaughlin, B. (2016, October 1). Pay Attention!: What Interns Should Know About Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from