Bill Matney, M.A., MT-BC This engaging podcast addresses music-making experiences and simple percussion techniques that can promote child development and family bonding in the home environment. Resources: Benenzon, R. (1976). Music therapy in infantile autism. British...
Carol Ann Blank, LCAT, LPC, MMT, MT-BC Clinical decision making is an important component of providing music therapy interventions. This podcast shares the author’s thoughts about the clinical decisions she makes when working with a mother-child dyad in an individual...
Laurel Rosen-Weatherford MM, MT-BC This follow-up podcast features a 30-minute sing-along that focuses on bringing families together to provide learning opportunities beyond the music therapy session. Musical examples can be implemented in the classroom and the...
Kathy Schumacher, MT-BC The development of phonological awareness is critical for both learning to communicate and to read. This podcast gives an overview of phonological awareness and illustrates how the skill of rhyming can be taught through music. A brief summary...
Laura Brown, Ph.D., MT-BC This podcast offers suggestions for using original songs with high functioning children on the autism spectrum. The songs referenced in this podcast were written and recorded by Elisa Padro, a student at Western Illinois University....
Jamie George, MM, MT-BC, Andrew Littlefield, MM, MT-BC, Laurie Peebles, MT-BC, and Andrea Johnson, MT-BC In this collaborative podcast, the George Center’s music therapy team discusses the benefits of providing performance opportunity for young children with...