Focus on Emotional Growth: An Interview With Jessica Heinz

As a preschool teacher and music therapist, Jessica Heinz has concerns about the snowball effect infant and early childhood mental health could have on children’s life-long development. Many of her preschoolers have lacked early childhood services during the pandemic and experienced in-person classrooms and social situations for the first time this year. In this podcast, she shares her observations of children’s development, stress and anxiety responses, and art-based resources she uses to support their social and emotional growth. To help ensure that children do not feel lost and confused, she suggests that parents implement successful preschool routines such as transition songs at home as well. Being adaptable in many ways, she hopes that these pandemials will recognize their strengths and be excited about bringing change to this world. 

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  • Bucknam, S. (2021, November 2). 31 fun social emotional activities for preschoolers. Teaching Expertise.
  • imagine. ParentsCan.
  • Llenas, A. (2018). The color monster: A story about emotions. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.
  • Witek, J., & Roussey, C. (2014). In my heart: A book of feelings (Growing Hearts) (1st ed.). Abrams Appleseed.

About the Interviewee

Jessica Heinz, MT-BC, is a preschool teacher and works as contracting music therapist for the Louisville Center for Therapy and Personal Services (LCTPS). Every day, she connects with many populations and age ranges throughout the community, targeting her clients’ mental and wellness needs. In previous years, Jessica has made valuable contributions to the imagine resources, intervention ideas, and book reviews. Contact:

Suggested Citation

Shina, E. (2022, September 1). Focus on emotional growth: An interview with Jessica Heinz [Audio podcast]. imagine.