Kana Kamitsubo, MT-BC

This podcast illustrates an approach to music therapy that incorporates music instruction. It describes the case of a boy with ASD who began music therapy exhibiting severe attention difficulties and disruptive behaviors. Within two years, he made significant progress in his life skills and learning to play musical instruments.



About the Author:

Pianist Kana Kamitsubo has been a music and piano teacher for 14 years. As a music therapist, she works with children with special needs. Kana found that many of their parents strongly desired music instruction for their children, and she discovered multiple benefits to incorporating music instruction into her practice. Kana has been developing a unique practice that addresses a client’s correlative growth as a person and musician, which in her experience are mutually reinforcing processes. She gives private sessions to 35-40 children a week; about half of them are diagnosed with autism, PDD, and/or ADHD. Contact: kanapianony@gmail.com

Suggested Citation:

Kamitsubo, K. (Author). (2012, September 1). Yes, I Can Learn! Incorporating Music Instruction into Therapy to Help Children with ASD. Retrieved from www.imagine.musictherapy.biz